Jel is a genius, and I'm affraid not enough people realize it. Just listen to "It's Them" all day long and you'll come to the same conclusion. If you have additional time, put "Mothers of invention" on, and enjoy. Damn, can't get enough of his beats. Good thing is that he's actually pretty productive. Everything he touches is gold. Just ask Dose, his perfect partner. So his beats are sometimes a little disconstructed...but that's what makes his greatness. No pattern resists this guy, and he masters the particular weaponry of changing beats in the middle of a song. This will keep you gasping on your chair, wondering what just happened to you. I got the answer to that one: he expanded your vision of hip hop, or of beats, whatever you choose to call it. Plus, the guy is real nice (that was my personnal touch, nevermind)... | ![]() |
Discography: Music for the advancement of hip hop Deep Puddle Dynamics, The Taste of rain...why kneel